序号 | 奖励类别 | 获奖 等级 | 获奖项目名称 | 获奖人 | 获奖年度 |
1 | 福建省第十三届社会科学优秀成果奖 | 三等奖 | 福建遗存古塔形制与审美文化研究 | 孙群 | 2019 |
2 | Best Conference Paper Award(International Institute of knowledge innovation and invention) | 特等奖 | Research on the design of urban public environmental facilities based on the concept of sustainable development | 张小燕 | 2019 |
3 | Best Conference Paper Award (The 2019 IEEE-ICASI) | 特等奖 | Research on practical course reform of Graduation Design for design majors in undergraduate colleges and universities in China | 林建德 | 2019 |
4 | Best Conference Paper Award (The 2018 IEEE-ICASI) | 特等奖 | Construction of digital seismological science museum with virtual reality technology | 林建德 | 2018 |
5 | 第十三届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文 | 三等奖 | 基于红色荧光粉的GaN基TJ白色发光二极管 | 林建德 | 2018 |
6 | 第六届全国高校廉政文化作品征集暨廉洁教育系列活动(优秀作品) | 优秀奖 | 海图志·林则徐传 | 陈峰 | 2018 |
7 | Best Conference Paper Award (The 2018 IEEE-ICASI) | 特等奖 | A Study on Identification of Fractionated Planetary Gear Trains | 林建德 | 2018 |
8 | 第十二届韩国首尔国际发明展 (SIIF 2016) | 金牌奖 | Multi-functional sensors based on ZNO nanosheet structures | 林建德 | 2016 |
9 | Best conference paper award (Taiwanese Institute of Knowledge Innovation) | 特等奖 | The effectiveness of gardening game design for the upper extremity function of Stroke patients | 黄岚铃 | 2016 |
10 | 2017海峡两岸第三届工业设计创新大赛 | 银奖 | Lollipop(棒棒糖) | 武志军 | 2017 |